Article 8119

Title of the article



Dmitriev Roman Vyacheslavovich, Postgraduate student, Penza State University (40 Krasnaya street, Penza, Russia), E-mail: 

Index UDK





Background. Currently, the problem of corporate social responsibility of business is often considered on the basis of an analysis of social non-financial reports of commercial companies and the results of sociological studies of consumers and the public on socially important business activities of entrepreneurs.
Materials and methods. The empirical basis of the present study was compiled by the results of the author’s sociological research (questionnaires from residents of the city of Cheboksary (n = 159) and the Cheboksary District (n = 252), content analysis of the information portal, Internet sites organizations) of corporate social responsibility in the Chuvash Republic of the population, as well as the results of a secondary analysis of the results of foreign and Russian research (data from the research centers of the Gellap Institute, the results of sociological studies of foreign scientists in the preparation of scientific papers (theses) (n = 57)).
Results. Studying the opinion of the population of the Chuvash Republic and consumers of products and services of entrepreneurs, and the results of All-Russian sociological studies of the population on the problem of corporate social responsibility of entrepreneurs allowed to clarify the main problems and needs of the population in the socially significant business activities in the country.
Conclusions. The results of the public opinion and consumer opinion research on corporate social responsibility in the region of the Russian Federation provide an opportunity to clarify the modern features of understanding the content of corporate social responsibility of entrepreneurs, to evaluate the opinion of consumers of entrepreneurs’ products on the socially important activities of the commercial sector. 

Key words

business, corporate social responsibility, entrepreneurship, consumers, population, socially significant activities 

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Дата создания: 27.06.2019 09:27
Дата обновления: 27.06.2019 10:30